Alan has lived in Mesquite, Texas most of his life. He married his beautiful bride, Carla Bleau, 24 years ago. They are blessed with two truly amazing daughters, Tamara and Stephanie, two great son-in-laws and three beautiful granddaughters.
Alan has been in the auto collision industry for 34 years. He is a musician and plays in a local band. Alan is the drummer for Mile Post 595. He also plays on Sundays with the praise team at his church.
Alan rides an 08 Suzuki C90T (fully customized by himself). He rides for his little brother’s wife, Rhonda Medlin. He is proud to be a Rumble Rider and also rides in memory of his dad William R. Evans, his adopted mom Ann Adams and childhood friend, Paul Gore. Alan’s dad was diagnosed with lung cancer and passed away February 6, 1987 at the age of 57.